Monday, February 23, 2009

cats similar as pets part-5

Any accidents should be cleaned immediately and the area washed with 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water.
Failure to use the box may be caused by one of more of the following conditions:
-The cat has not yet learned the location of the litterbox. This is especially common with young kittens. The location of the litterbox is unacceptable to the cat.
-The brand of litter is unacceptable to the cat.
-The litterbox is not kept clean. Cat faeces should be removed daily.
-The litterbox has been disinfected and not thoroughly rinsed.
The cat is attracted to an area previously used by another pet. Use an enzyme based odour remover; try the 50/50 white vinegar and water rinse or try placing the food and water bowl on that spot.
-The cat is reacting to family or household changes or stress. Or a pet or child could be terrorizing the new cat while you are away.
-Another pet is keeping the new cat away from the litterbox.
-Another cat is using the new cats litterbox; some cats will not share, especially at first.
-Any new pet can make a mistake. Place these 'mistakes' in the litterbox, then gently put the cat in the litterbox as well.
If you see it sniffing around a previously soiled area, carry it to the litterbox again.
When it uses the litterbox, give praise and affection.