Monday, February 23, 2009
cats wallpaper -part -3
cats wallpaper,
Sakura cat,
cats similar as pets part-5
Any accidents should be cleaned immediately and the area washed with 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water.
Failure to use the box may be caused by one of more of the following conditions:
-The cat has not yet learned the location of the litterbox. This is especially common with young kittens. The location of the litterbox is unacceptable to the cat.
-The brand of litter is unacceptable to the cat.
-The litterbox is not kept clean. Cat faeces should be removed daily.
-The litterbox has been disinfected and not thoroughly rinsed.
The cat is attracted to an area previously used by another pet. Use an enzyme based odour remover; try the 50/50 white vinegar and water rinse or try placing the food and water bowl on that spot.
-The cat is reacting to family or household changes or stress. Or a pet or child could be terrorizing the new cat while you are away.
-Another pet is keeping the new cat away from the litterbox.
-Another cat is using the new cats litterbox; some cats will not share, especially at first.
-Any new pet can make a mistake. Place these 'mistakes' in the litterbox, then gently put the cat in the litterbox as well.
If you see it sniffing around a previously soiled area, carry it to the litterbox again.
When it uses the litterbox, give praise and affection.
cats similar as pets part-4
Start teaching your pet cat the rules of the household right away.
Consistency is the key to success.
Every member of the household must agree on the rules. You cannot overdo praise.
It is the tone of your voice, not the volume that counts.
Most cats are easily trained to use a litterbox.
Choose a location that is away from the cats feeding area and quiet.
Place your new cat in the litter box as soon as you arrive home.
Be sure it knows the location and has access to it.
cats similar as pets part-3
When deciding to have a cat as a pet, you should also take into consideration anyone in the family who may have allergies and of course, any other pets you may have.
Having a cat as a pet is probably not a good idea if say you already have a budgie, fish, mouse, hamster or guinea pig already resident in your home.
cats similar as pets part-2
However, having a cat as a pet is an important role.
Cats need a lot of attention and they can be expensive, just like any other pet.
Cats need caring for, feeding, bathing and if they get ill, they will need taking to the vets.
Different breeds of cat require different care, a long haired cat would obviously need more grooming that a short haired cat.
cats similar as pets part-1
Although cats are naturally wild animals, with wild instincts, they can make wonderful pets.
A cats personality is quite versatile whereby it is both friendly and affectionate and they love to hear their owners voice and be petted and fussed, however, on the flip side of the coin, they are intelligent, solitary and can cope without the company of their owner.
This makes cats both sociable and independent.
he female cat can begin mating at around 5 to 10 months and the male cat between 9 and 12 months.
Kittens can be born at any time of the year.
A female cat gestation period is around 9 weeks or between 62 and 65 days from conception to delivery.
If left to her own devices, a female cat may have 3 to 7 kittens every 4 months.
This is why it is very important to have your cat spayed or neutered to control cat population.
Kittens are usually born head first and about half an hour apart (if more than one).
Kittens are born contained in a thin, transparent sac which the mother breaks immediately with her teeth and tongue.
Newborn kittens usually weigh between 3 and 5 ounces and are about 3 inches long.
A newborn kitten cannot hear because it is born with closed ear canals.
These do not begin to open until the kitten is about 9 days old.
Kittens are also born with their eyes closed.
All cats are born with blue eyes and it can take a few months for them to develop into their final eye colour.
How you treat your newborn kitten will have an effect on its traits and personality as it grows.
You must never pick the kitten up by the scruff of its neck, only the mother cat can do this safely.
If buying a kitten, they should be acquired in pairs as cat families interact best when they have the same kind of company.
Siamese kittens are born completely white, this is because of the heat inside their mother. When they adjust to the outer climate, they develop the dark patches, these patches are 'cool' patches.
Cats Ears
If the tail alone does not give you enough information about what the cat is thinking, take a look at their ears.
Cats involved in a standoff will make threatening sounds, however, to really understand what is happening, check the ear position.
The defenders ears will lie down flat against the head for protection.
The cat whose ears are lying flat, but with a twist, so that the tips of the back of the ear can be seen from the front, is the aggressor.
Forward-pointing ears are used by confident, curious, cats to listen for sounds in front of them.
A cat that is hunting prey (or playing) will also keep its ears forward to collect as much auditory information as possible in order to execute a successful pounce.
Cats Eyes
In a standoff situation, the defending cats pupils will be dilated to provide the cat with wider peripheral vision, an advantage in anticipating an attack.
The aggressors pupils narrow to give him better depth perception, an advantage in judging where to attack.
While dilated pupils can indicate fear, they are also indicative of the light conditions.
In dim light the pupils expand to allow as much light to enter the eye as possible.
Perhaps one of the most wonderful of feline body signals, but one that is most often missed by even the most observant of cat owners, is the slow eye blink.
Blinking is a very powerful communication as a reassurance signal and is commonly used between cats when they are sitting or lying in a hunched-up, sphinx-like position.
Slow blinking towards a cat shows that you are not a threat and they will most likely return the slow blink telling you that they feel comfortable with you and they like you.
It is also a great way to say 'I love you' to your favourite feline companion.
Cats Tail
As is the case with dogs, the tail is often used as a signaling mechanism.
A flick or twitch can indicate minor irritation and a tail held high suggests confidence.
In addition, a cats tail may 'wag' or move rapidly to express a state of conflict.
A cat who chooses to lie with its stomach and chest exposed conveys happiness, trust and comfort (this is also typical of overweight cats, as it is more comfortable for them).
however, a cat may also roll on its side/back to be able to defend itself with all four sets of claws.
When the tail is erect for its full length.
it is used as a greeting to another cat or to a friendly human and is an invitation for contact rubbing.
The tail that is wrapped against the cats body may mean that the cat is contented or for a nervous cat, it is a defensive posture.
what is Cat Behaviour ?
Cats are often referred to as solitary animals.
However, cats are actually highly social. An important difference in social behaviour between cats and dogs (to which they are often compared) is that cats do not have a social survival strategy, or a 'pack mentality'; however this only means that cats take care of their basic needs on their own (e.g., finding food, defending themselves, etc.).
It is not the same thing as being asocial.
Living with humans is a symbiotic social adaptation which has developed over thousands of years.
It is certain that the cat thinks of a human differently than it does other cats (i.e., it does not think of itself as human, nor that the human is a cat).
This can be seen in the difference in body and vocal language it uses with the human, when compared to how it communicates with other cats in the household.
Some have suggested that, psychologically, the human keeper of a cat is a sort of surrogate for the cats mother and that adult domestic cats live forever in a kind of suspended kittenhood.
With proper training and reinforcement of social behaviour, poorly socialized cats can become more social over time.
A cat that has been made a 'stray' or has been mistreated, can in time, with patience and understanding, become a social, family cat.
Understanding your cat is an important part of your relationship with your pet.
A cats body language can tell you a lot about its mood.
Cats communicate a variety of messages using cat body language.
Examples include arching their backs as a signal of fear or aggression, and slowly blinking to signal relaxation.
How much to feed your cat
Do not fill their plate.
If you cannot feel your cats ribs, it is probably overweight and daily rations should be reduced.
If you think you are feeding your cat adequate amounts of food, but it looks thin or loses weight, have it examined by a veterinarian.
Loving owners often indulge their pets into obesity.
Overweight pets have shorter life spans and are more prone to heart and respiratory problems and arthritic pain.
Help your cat stay healthy by keeping it at its proper weight.
A kittens diet will be different from that of an adult and elderly cat.
Generally a kitten should be fed little and often, whereas, an adult cat will need larger meals less frequently.
Cats will kill and eat small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes. On farms, cats help reduce the vermin population (rats, mice, and other small, destructive animals).
Cats use their acute sight and hearing to catch prey.
Cats swallow large bites of meat without chewing it.
Cats are primarily nocturnal (most active at night) because of their very good night vision.
Cats Diet
Cats are pure carnivores (meat-eaters) and require a lot of meat and a lot of protein in their diet, usually around 30%. Cats tend not to eat fruit and vegetables as they do not have an adequate digestive system to cope with that kind of food, although they occassionally chew grass to help with digestion.
A good well-balanced diet is essential for your cats health. There is a wide range of cat foods available:
Canned Food:
Canned cat foods are the most popular and contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Most canned food comes in a variety of flavours, including, chicken, rabbit lamb, turkey, liver, salmon, tuna, cod and game. Canned foods are available in both gravy and jelly varieties.
Foil pouches and alu-trays:
Single serve packaging such as 100 gram foil pouches and alu-trays have become popular with cat owners due to their convenience and cost.
Most cats will only eat 100 grams of food in one serving resulting in a lot of wastage when using the 400 gram canned food. Foil pouches come in many delicious flavours including duck, turkey, lamb, liver, chicken and rabbit.
Gravy and jelly varieties are also available in foil pouches.
Dried Food:
Dried cat food is becoming increasingly popular. It contains all the vitamin and minerals necessary for a complete balanced diet.
Water should always be available when feeding your cat dry food. Dry food can always be mixed with food in gravy for extra nutrients.
Treats can provide an extra supplement to your cats diet and provide exercise for cats teeth and gums.
Fresh Food:
Fresh food can provide an extra source of nutrition.
Cooked meat such as beef, lamb, turkey or chicken should be cooled before serving.
Dry food helps to clean the teeth and if nutritionally complete can be the bulk of the cats diet and it is easily stored. Although it must be refrigerated once opened, most cats enjoy the variety. Cats prefer their food at room temperature.
Never feed your cat food that comes directly from the refrigerator.
It is a good idea to take food out of the fridge around half an hour before serving to enable it to climatize to room temperature.
Many cats cannot digest milk and develop diarrhoea when given cows milk.
This can be particularly serious for kittens who become quickly dehydrated when suffering from diarrhoea.
Cat milk is available in small plastic bottles. Always provide clean fresh water for your cat.
he friendly white cat is back. Until I know he or she's name I will refer to it as Duchess. Surely a starlet in the making. Can't you just picture Duchess with diamond choker.
I wonder if anyone has found anymore updates on white cat mythology?
I found a little more here below
The new ones
Some sailors will not board a ship after a white cat.
The cat has to be taken off and board after the sailor.
Dreaming of a white cat talking to you is sign of a new baby.
Saying good morning to a white cat meaning a smiling day.
Not saying good morning to a white cat means a crying day.
White cat passing a white door means ill health is upon you.
The previous ones
n cat lore white cats are a symbol of light and good.
In the UK a white cat crossing your path is considered unlucky.
It America it is considered lucky if a white cat crosses your path.
Also too though in America it is considered unlucky to see a white cat at night
To dream of a white cat is considered a fortuitous omen, a portent of glad tidings, creativity and a contented spritual life.
To kill a white cat leaves your soul to the devil.
A white cat is often considered an angel, say hell0 and they will watch over you.
Unlike the black cat myths, the white cat has little attached to it in mythology.
In some versions of the tale of Rapunzel she had 3 white cats to help her spin her hair into a golden ladder for her lover.
Unlike the Manx cat and the black cat, the white cat seems to be relatively myth free. Perhaps you know of a white cat myth of superstition in your part of the world?
cat and history -part 3
There are also negative superstitions about cats in many cultures.
An example would be the belief that a black cat "crossing your path" leads to bad luck, or that cats are witches' familiars used to augment a witch's powers and skills.
This belief led to the widespread extermination of cats in Europe in medieval times.
Killing the cats aggravated epidemics of the Black Plague in places where there were not enough cats left to keep rat populations down.
The plague was spread by fleas carried by infected rats.
An exaggerated fear of cats is known as ailurophobia.
cat and history -part 2
Several ancient religions believed that cats are exalted souls, companions or guides for humans, that they are all-knowing but are mute so they cannot influence decisions made by humans. In Japan, the Maneki Neko is a cat that is a symbol of "good fortune".
Although there are no sacred species in Islam, it is said by some writers that Muhammad had a favorite cat, Muezza.
It is said he loved cats so much that "he would do without his cloak rather than disturb one that was sleeping on it".
Freyja — the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility in Norse mythology — is depicted as riding a chariot driven by cats.
cat and history -part1
Cats have been kept by humans since at least ancient Egypt, where Bast in cat form was goddess of the home, the domesticated cat, protector of the fields and home from vermin infestations, and sometimes took on the warlike aspect of a lioness.
The first domesticated cats may have saved early Egyptians from many rodent infestations and likewise, Bast developed from the adoration for her feline companions.
She was the daughter of the sun god Ra and played significant role in Ancient Egyptian religion.
It has been speculated that cats resident in Kenya's Islands in the Lamu Archipelago may be the last living direct descendants of the cats of ancient Egypt.
cats Skeleton
Cats have 7 cervical vertebrae like almost all mammals, 13 thoracic vertebrae , 7 lumbar vertebrae (humans have 5), 3 sacral vertebrae like most mammals , and, except for Manx cats, 22 or 23 caudal vertebrae.
The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's enhanced spinal mobility and flexibility, compared with humans.
The caudal vertebrae form the tail, used by the cat as a counterbalance to the body during quick movements.
Cats also have free-floating clavicle bones, which allows them to pass their body through any space into which they can fit their heads.
cat size
Cats typically weigh between 2.5 and 7 kg .
however, some breeds, such as the Maine Coon, can exceed 11.3 kilograms .
Some have been known to reach up to 23 kilograms due to overfeeding.
Conversely, very small cats have been reported.
The largest cat ever was officially reported to have weighed in at about 21.297 kilograms . The smallest cat ever officially recorded weighed around 1.36 kg.
however, some breeds, such as the Maine Coon, can exceed 11.3 kilograms .
Some have been known to reach up to 23 kilograms due to overfeeding.
Conversely, very small cats have been reported.
The largest cat ever was officially reported to have weighed in at about 21.297 kilograms . The smallest cat ever officially recorded weighed around 1.36 kg.
cat description
A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food.
It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs.
Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting.
Cats may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world.
They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets.
This hobby is known as the "cat fancy."
It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs.
Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting.
Cats may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world.
They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets.
This hobby is known as the "cat fancy."
The cat also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines
and felids, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal
that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes, scorpions and other unwanted household pests.
It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years
and felids, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal
that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes, scorpions and other unwanted household pests.
It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years
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